4 Unusual Places to Hide Your Spare Key

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If you have just had to call a locksmith because you have lost your spare key, you may be wondering about the best place to hide the replacement key. Many homeowners hide their keys in obvious places such as under their doormat or plant pot. However, locations such as these will be the first place a burglar will look. Below is a guide to 4 unusual places you can hide your spare key.

On a dog collar

If you keep your dog in an outdoor kennel, you should consider letting it look after your keys. Invest in a dog collar which features a small pouch in which you can store the spare key. While this might sound insane, It is unlikely that a burglar will think to check the dog collar for a spare key to your home. And even if they do suspect the dog has the key, they are unlikely to want to risk a nasty bite to retrieve it.

In a dog kennel

If you do not feel comfortable attaching the spare key to your dog, you should consider placing it underneath the outdoor dog kennel. Simply hammer a small nail in the top back corner of the kennel so the dog cannot reach it. If a burglar approaches the doghouse, it is likely your dog will begin to bark, alerting your neighbours to the presence of an intruder. 

On an air conditioning unit

If your home has an external air conditioning unit, you should consider using this as a hiding place for your spare key. Attach a small magnet to the key using superglue and then stick the magnet to the underside of the condenser unit or some other inconspicuous spot.

Under a lawn sprinkler

If you use a sprinkler system on your lawn, you should consider using it to hide your spare key. Purchase an additional sprinkler head from your local home maintenance store. Unscrew the head of the sprinkler and place the key inside and reassemble the unit. You can then place this dummy sprinkler head in the ground, so it looks like part of the lawn watering system.

Getting locked out is never nice. By getting creative with where and how you hide your spare key, you can be confident that burglars will not discover it. If you would like further advice about home security or maintaining your locks, contact a locksmith service today.
